英語で味わう古今和歌集 297 紀貫之 36
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-297 Ki no Tsurayuki-36
< 北山に紅葉折らむとまかりける時によめる >
見る人も なくて散りぬる 奥山の もみぢは夜の 錦なりけり
紀 貫之
< Composed when going for red leaves viewing. >
Red leaves in the autumn,
Fallen unseen and nameless,
In the deep and remote mountain,
Are vain and useless,
Like beautiful silk fabric in the darkness.
Ki no Tsurayuki
< 北山に紅葉狩りに行った時に詠んだ歌 >
Red leaves fallen and scattered unseen, in the deep and remote mountain, are vain and useless, like beautiful silk fabric in the darkness of the night.
By Kota Nakako