狂歌 恥の文化を超えるもの Beyond the culture of Haji, shame – Kyoka, Crazy Tanka

狂歌 恥の文化を超えるもの Beyond the culture of Haji, shame – Kyoka, Crazy Tanka

恥文化 それは尊き ことなれど 世界に必要 それ超す理念

The culture of haji of Japan, though a respectfull merit, it may be,
You have to know the grave limit it has to lead the nation and the globe.

恥文化 一つ違えば こだわりの 面子の文化 一億玉砕

恥文化 面子の文化 つながるる 一つ違えば 一億玉砕

The culture of haji is akin to the culture of saving face.
One misstep and it can lead to ‘die rather than surrender’, the grave consequence.

By Kota Nakako


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