英語で味わう古今和歌集 仮名序-9 紀貫之 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English: Preface-9 Ki no Tsurayuki

英語で味わう古今和歌集 仮名序-9 紀貫之
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English: Preface-9 Ki no Tsurayuki


Further, they are discouraged seeing flowers scattering in spring morning, hearing tree leaves falling in the autumn evening, and looking their snow and waves reflected in the mirror, are surprised seeing dews and drops of water on the leaves, mourn the world losing past glory because of arrogance, are shunned by people close, pledge eternal love like pine tree of Matsu Yama, comfort old men by drawing water in the field, lament sleeping alone looking at lower leaves of bush clover in the autumn, see Shigi, or a snipe, counting feathers at dawn, deplore comparing nodes of bamboo to their worries, regret the world citing Yoshino Gawa, and console themselves only listening to poems, hearing that Mt. Fuji is not emitting smoke now and that the long bridge of Nagae has run out.


By Kota Nakako


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