英語で味わう古今和歌集 1002 紀貫之 98 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-1002 Ki no Tsurayuki-98

英語で味わう古今和歌集 1002 紀貫之 98
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-1002 Ki no Tsurayuki-98

< 古歌(フルウタ)奉(タテマツ)りし時の目録のその長歌(ナガウタ) >

神の御代(ミヨ)より 呉竹(クレタケ)の 
よよにも絶えず 雨彦(アマビコ)の 
音羽(オトハ)の山の 春霞(ハルガスミ) 
思ひ乱れて 五月雨(サミダレ)の 
空もとどろに さ夜ふけて 
山郭公(ヤマホトトギス) 鳴くごとに 
誰も寝覚めて 唐錦(カラニシキ) 
龍田の山の もみぢ葉を 
見てのみしのぶ 神無月 
時雨(シグレ)しぐれて 冬の夜(ヨ)の 
庭もはだれに 降る雪の 
なほ消えかへり 年ごとに 
時につけつつ あはれてふ  
ことを言ひつつ 君をのみ 
千代(チヨ)にといはふ 世の人の 
思ひするがの 富士の嶺(ネ)の 
燃ゆる思ひも 飽(ア)かずして 
別れるる涙 藤衣(フヂコロモ) 
織(オ)れる心も 八千草の 
言の葉ごとに すべらぎの 
おほせかしこみ 巻々(マキマキ)の 
中に尽(ツク)すと 伊勢の海の 
浦の潮貝(シホガヒ) 拾ひあつめ 
とれりとすれど 玉の緒(ヲ)の 
短き心 思ひあへず 
なほあらたまの 年を経(ヘ)て 
大宮にのみ ひさかたの 
昼夜(ヒルヨル)わかず つかふとて 
かへりみもせぬ わが宿の 
忍ぶ草生(オ)ふる 板間(イタマ)あらみ 
降る春雨(ハルサメ)の 漏(モ)りやしぬらむ

紀 貫之

– Pilot translation.  Subject words intentionally omitted.

Since the time of ferocious deity,
Like Henon bamboo,
And legs of millipede as many,
For generations, compiled continuously,
Spring haze covering Mt. Otoha,
After early summer rain uneasy,
Lata at night with thunders roaring, 
Every time Lesser cuckoo sings,
Everyone awakening,
At Mt. Tatsuta flashy red leaves unveiled,
Admiring simply by seeing in Kananazuki,
At winter night with drizzling rain wetted,
In the garden snow falling sparsely,
Disappearing even more completely year after year,
In accordance with the time tastefully and elegantly,
Celebrating your long life,
Of thousands of years,
As everyone in this life,
At the peak of Mt. Fuji with his heart burning,
Never weary of his life,
Crying with tears of parting,
Mourning clothes wearing,
Various memories in my heart tirelessly weaving,
Humbly compiling for your majesty,
Into volumes every word and phrase worthy completely, 
In the sea of Ise Bay, 
Seashells collected and gathered bountifully,
Then strung through thoroughly, 
Though not fully satisfied,
Year after year passing by,
Only in Omiya far away engaged,
Day and night inseparably,
Even unable to reflect my home momently,
The gap widened between shingles ruggedly,
With Orange daylily growing thickly,
Not comprehensive perhaps as in the spring rain leaky.

Ki no Tsurayuki


< 古歌を奉りし(献上した)時の目録とした長歌 >





< Long poem preceding to the contents of old poems offered. > 

Since the time of ferocious deity,
Poems have been composed for generations, continuously,
Like bamboo knots and and legs of millipede,

Uneasiness by missing spring haze covering Mt. Otoha,
Awakened by sings of Lesser cuckoo,
Echoeing in the air in the early summer rain late at night.
Praising flashy red leaves unveiled at Tatsutayama,
Vanishing memories along with melting snow falling sparsely in the garden of winter night,
Celebrating the long life of Your Majesty,
Year by year and occasion by occastion, accordingly,
Crying with tears of parting from familiar persons,
With hidden passionate feelings,
Tangled heart of a person in mourning,
Like weaven strings of Fujigoromo, mourning clothes.

These words and phrases, each by each, I humbly hear, receive,
And tries to put into volumes,
As if seashells were collected bountifully at Ise Bay,
Thus I have served at Court for many years,
Even unable to look back my home,
But lack of my abilities and capacity,
I might have overlooked many nice poems worthy of attention, 
As if spring rain leaks through the gap between roof shingles.

Ki no Tsurayuki

By Kota Nakako


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