英語で味わう古今和歌集 116 紀貫之 20 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-116 Ki no Tsurayuki-20

英語で味わう古今和歌集 116 紀貫之 20
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-116 Ki no Tsurayuki-20

< 寛平御時后宮歌合(カンビョウノオホントキサイノミヤノウタアワセ)の歌 >

春の野に 若菜つまむと 来(コ)しものを 散りかふ花に 道はまどひぬ

紀 貫之

< Composed at the poem contest of Kanpyono Ontoki Kisainomiya. > 

I come to the spring field all the way,
To pick up young greens sprouted,
Only to lose my way,
As flowers like her once blossomed,
Are here and there scattered.

Ki no Tsurayuki
< 寛平御時后宮歌合(カンビョウノオホントキサイノミヤノウタアワセ)の歌 > 

Though I come to the spring field to pick up young greens, I lose my way as flowers like her once blossomed are scattered around all over.  

By Kota Nakako



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