英語で味わう古今和歌集 397 紀貫之 51 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-397 Ki no Tsurayuki-51

英語で味わう古今和歌集 397 紀貫之 51
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-397 Ki no Tsurayuki-51

< 雷鳴(カミナリ)の壺に召したりける日、大神酒(オホミキ)などたうべて、雨のいたく降りければ、夕さりまで侍りてまかいでける折に、盃(サカヅキ)をとりて >

秋萩の 花をば雨に 濡らせども 君をばまして 愛(ヲ)しとこそ思へ
紀 貫之

< Composed on leaving Kannarino Tsubo Palace, taking a sake cup, when I was granted divine sake by the prince, then staying there till the evening waiting for heavy rain to stop. > 

Drizzling rain,
It was a pity,
Got wet bush clover flowers in vain,
But it’s greater pity,
I have to part from you now, eventually.

Ki no Tsurayuki
< 雷鳴の壺に帝がお召しになった日、大神酒などをいただいた時、雨がたいそう降ったので、夕方までそこに控えた後、退出する時に、盃をとって詠んだ歌  >


* 雷鳴の壺 Kannarino Tsubo – 平安京内裏の襲芳舎 (シホウシャ) の異称; Another name of ‘Shihosha’ at Imperial Palace of Heiankyo. 
* 秋萩 Akihagi – bush clover

It was certainly a pity drizzling rain got wet bush clover flowers vainly. But it’s greater pity I have to part from you, as the rain stops now in the evening.

By Kota Nakako


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