英語で味わう古今和歌集 427 紀貫之 54 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-427 Ki no Tsurayuki-54

英語で味わう古今和歌集 427 紀貫之 54
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-427 Ki no Tsurayuki-54


< かにはざくら >

かづけども 波のなかには さぐられで 風吹くごとに 浮き沈む玉
紀 貫之

< Kaniwazakura > 

Though diving into the water,
I could not find, by searching,
Cherry blossoms underwater,
Only to see the shadows rising and falling.
On the surface as the wind is blowing.

Ki no Tsurayuki
< かにわざくら >

* かにはざくら Kaniwa-Zakura - 樺桜 Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana)
* かずく Kazuku - (水に)もぐる dive

Though diving into the water, I could not find wild cherry blossoms underwater, only to see the shadows rising and falling on the surface of the water as the wind is blowing.

By Kota Nakako


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