英語で味わう古今和歌集 59 紀貫之 11 Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-59 Ki no Tsurayuki-11

英語で味わう古今和歌集 59 紀貫之 11
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-59 Ki no Tsurayuki-11

< 「歌奉れ」とおほせられしとき、よみて奉れる >

桜花 咲きにけらしな あしひきの 山の狭(カヒ)より 見ゆる白雲

紀 貫之

< Composed when asked to offer a waka to the emperor; >

It appears,
In full bloom, serene,
Are the cherry blossoms,
As if white clouds they were seen,
Through the ravine.

Ki no Tsurayuki
< (天皇に)「歌を献上せよ」と仰せられたときに詠んだ歌 >


It appears cherry blossoms are in full bloom as they are seen as the white clouds through the ravine.

by Kota Nakako


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