英語で味わう古今和歌集 82 紀貫之 14
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-82 Ki no Tsurayuki-14
< 桜の花の散りけるをよみける >
ことならば 咲かずやあらぬ 桜花 見るわれさへに 静心(シヅココロ)なし
紀 貫之
< Composed, looking at scattering of cherry blossoms. >
If cherry blossoms will scatter at all,
I wish they could remain unblooming,
From the beginning, after all,
As I can’t remain calm seeing,
Their scattering.
Ki no Tsurayuki
< 桜の花が散ったのをみて詠んだ歌 >
If they will scatter at all, I wish they could remain unblooming from the beginning, after all. I can’t remain calm looking at their scattering.
by Kota Nakako