英語で味わう新古今和歌集 320 秋 Shinkokin Wakashu in English-320 Autumn
七夕の 戸渡る舟の 梶の葉に いく秋書きつ 露の玉づさ
タナバタノ トワタルフネノ カジノハニ イクアキカキツ ツユノタマヅサ
藤原 俊成 フジワラ トシナリ
During the star festival, how many autumns I spend writing letters,
As if steering a boat crossing the river, on the leaves of paper mulberry with dewdrops.
Toshinari Fujiwara
(Key words)
how many autumns I spend いく秋書きつ
star festival 七夕
steering a boat crossing the river 戸渡る(舟)
paper mulberry 梶の葉
writing letters with dewdrops 露の玉づさ
by Kota Nakako