英語で味わう狂歌 大田南畝-8
Enjoying Kyoka in English: Nanpo Ota-8
世の中に 蚊ほど煩(ウル)さき ものはなし 文武文武(ブンブブンブ)と 夜も寝られず
In this world, nothing is more annoying than mosquitoes buzzing.
I cannot sleep at night, as ‘pen and sword’* they are humming.
* sounds ‘bunbu’, or literary and military arts in Japanese
In the middle of Edo period, the regime was shifted from open and free Tanuma period (1767-1786) to thrifty and austere Kansei Reforms by Sadanobu Matsudaira. Many people in the cities who enjoyed the freedom in Tanuma period were dissatisfied. A similar Kyoka is listed below.
白河の 清きに魚も 住みかねて もとの濁りの 田沼恋しき
Even fish cannot live in the clear water of Shirakawa,
And I miss the previous murky water of Tanuma.
(注) 狂歌(きょうか)とは、風刺、皮肉、しゃれ、滑稽を盛り込んだ5-7-5-7-7形式の短歌。
Note: Kyoka is satirical, ironical or comical short Japanese poem, derived from Tanka, composed of 31 syllables, with a pattern of 5-7-5-7-7 sounds.
By Kota Nakako