37. 白露に 風の吹きしく 秋の野は つらぬきとめず 玉ぞちりける 文屋朝康(ふんやあさやす) In the windy autumn field dreary, With the moving air blowing through incessantly, The white dews on the leaves are scattered around disorderly, Like pearls unthreaded through properly By a string neatly and tightly. By Asayasu Funya Translated by Kota Nakako

白露に 風の吹きしく 秋の野は つらぬきとめず 玉ぞちりける



In the windy autumn field dreary,
With the moving air blowing through incessantly,
The white dews on the leaves are scattered around disorderly,
Like pearls unthreaded through properly
By a string neatly and tightly.

By Asayasu Funya
Translated by Kota Nakako

In the windy autumn, as the wind persistently and incessantly blowing through the field, the dews on the leaves are dissipated and scattered around, like peals unthreaded through by a string.

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