44. 逢ふことの 絶えてしなくは なかなかに 人をも身をも 恨みざらまし 藤原朝忠(ふじわらあさただ) If I will meet him or her, My dear lover, no longer, I will rather regret never His or her mercilessness and indifference, And indeed, my shortcomings and incompetence. By Asatada Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

逢ふことの 絶えてしなくは なかなかに 人をも身をも 恨みざらまし



If I will meet him or her,
My dear lover, no longer,
I will rather regret never
His or her mercilessness and indifference,
And indeed, my shortcomings and incompetence.

By Asatada Fujiwara
Translated by Kota Nakako

If I will never meet him/her, my dear lover, I will not rather regret his/her mercilessness and indifference, and indeed my shortcomings and incompetence.

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