52. 明けぬれば くるるものとは 知りながら なほ恨めしき 朝ぼらけかな 藤原道信(ふじわらみちのぶ) I have to be separated from her, When the day breaks. I know at night again I can see her, As the sun sets yet again before the day breaks. How I wish there were no daybreaks! By Michinobu Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

明けぬれば くるるものとは 知りながら なほ恨めしき 朝ぼらけかな



I have to be separated from her,
When the day breaks.
I know at night again I can see her,
As the sun sets yet again before the day breaks.
How I wish there were no daybreaks!

By Michinobu Fujiwara
Translated by Kota Nakako

When the day breaks, I have to be separated from you. I know that the sun will eventually set and that I can see you again at night. How I wish there were no daybreaks!

にほんブログ村 本ブログ 詩集・歌集・句集へ   にほんブログ村 本ブログ 古典文学へ   にほんブログ村 本ブログへ