ケインズは、さらに8日後の8月23日にスコットに金株についての書簡を送った。スコットからの手紙(15日、16日)に対する返信だ。ここでケインズは、金鉱株(gold mining shares)と呼ばず、金株(gold shares)と言っている。分かりきったことだから省略したのだろうが、金の価値に着目していることを示している。南ア企業の中でも、ユニオン・コーポレーションの経営陣は、その価値を実現することにひときわ優れていると評価しているわけだ。かなりの上昇後も優れたイールドであり、継続保有を主張している。
ケインズは、「一般理論」の中で、「長期的には、我々はみんな死んでいる」(In the long-run, we are all dead.)として、(超)長期的な古典派経済学に対して、現実的、短中期的なケインズ経済学を創出した。同時に、それは、経済全体を巨視的に見る、マクロ経済学の創始でもあった。
F.C.スコットへの書簡 (1933年8月23日)
金株(Gold Shares)について
イングリッシュ・エレクトリックの件については、わたしの言わんとすることを誤解されています。売却した優先株を買戻す気は全くありません。 J.M.K.
To F.C. Scott, 23 August 1934
Dear Scott,
Gold shares
I have your letters of August 15th and 16th. I do not disagree from the view that in face of the very large rise which has taken place it is prudent to diminish somewhat one’s holding of gold shares. Also I think that optimistic market expectations based upon a further devaluation by Roosevelt are, to say the least, very premature.
We have, however, substantially reduced our holdings recently; and whist I think that the prospects of further capital appreciation are much reduced, the shares are still excellent yielders on pure investment basis. Indeed the return is much better than can be got elsewhere and for this reason the shares have been passing, I should say on a very large scale in recent months, from the hands of speculators and speculative investors into the hands of permanent investors and investment institutions. The above does not apply, of course, to new flotations with the great majority of which I would certainly have nothing to do.
I think Vickers is wrong in thinking that the rise in the cost of living and costs generally will interfere with the profits of gold mines with the next twelve months. Indeed the argument in the first paragraph of the extract you sent I, I think, rather muddled.
As regards your letter of August 6th about Union Corporation, I should go some way with you in considering the sale, if I saw some general set-back in gold shares. On the other hand, it seems to me to be most important not be upset out of one’s permanent holdings by being too attentive to market movements. Unless one believes the market movement to be well founded, taking a long view, I should like in case where I felt real confidence to disregard it. It is indeed awfully bad for all of us to be constantly revaluing our investments according to market movements. If course, it would be silly to ignore such things, but one’s whole tendency is to be toom much influenced by them.
In the matter of English Electric you have, I think, misunderstood what I meant to say. I have no desire to buy back the preference shares we sold.
Yours sincerely,
By Kota Nakako