71. 夕されば 門田(かどた)の稲葉(いなば) おとづれて 蘆(あし)のまろ屋(や)に 秋風ぞ吹く 源経信(みなもとつねのぶ) At the rice field one day in the evening, In front of the gate of the house samurai-residing, The autumn wind is gently breezing Through to the humble hut made of reed there standing, Making the ears of rice softly swaying. By Tsunenobu Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

夕されば 門田(かどた)の稲葉(いなば) おとづれて 蘆(あし)のまろ屋(や)に 秋風ぞ吹く



At the rice field one day in the evening,
In front of the gate of the house samurai-residing,
The autumn wind is gently breezing
Through to the humble hut made of reed there standing,
Making the ears of rice softly swaying.

By Tsunenobu Minamoto
Translated by Kota Nakako

In the evening, the autumn wind is gently breezing through to the humble hut made of reed, swaying ears of rice in front of the gate of the samurai residence.

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