英語で味わう狂歌 大田南畝-88
Enjoying Kyoka in English: Nanpo Ota-88
俳諧の 猿の小蓑*(コミノ)も この比(コロ)は 狂歌衣(コロモ)を ほしげなりけり
A monkey depicted in Haikai, seventeen‐syllable verse cheeky,
Looks keen to wear Kyoka dress as well nowadays saucy.
Yomono Akara (Nanpo Ohta)
* 「はつしぐれ猿も小蓑(コミノ)をほしげなり」(芭蕉) 伊賀越えの山の中で初時雨(ハツシグレ)に遭遇した。 自分はさっそく蓑を腰に巻いたが、寒さの中で樹上の猿たちも小蓑をほしそうな気振りだ;
Passing through Iga province, I put on a straw raincoat in an early winter day rainy.
A monkey looking at me seems to wear it really. – Basho
(コメント; Comment)
He depicts Kyoka’s popularity, making a pun on Basho’s haiku.
(注) 狂歌(きょうか)とは、風刺、皮肉、しゃれ、滑稽を盛り込んだ5-7-5-7-7形式の短歌。江戸時代後期(18世紀後半)に隆盛し、天明狂歌として黄金期を迎える。大田南畝(蜀山人 ショクサンジン; 1749-1823)は、その代表的文人、狂歌師。
Note: Kyoka is satirical, ironical or comical short Japanese poem, derived from Tanka, composed of 31 syllables, with a pattern of 5-7-5-7-7 sounds. It flourished and marked a golden age in the late Edo period in the late 18th century as Tenmei Kyoka. Ota Nampo, Shokusanjin (1749-1823), is one of the leading Kyoka poets.
by Kota Nakako